Galleries of Past Kids - Cute Baby Goat Pictures!
All of our adult goats are tested for Johne's, CAE & CL and registered ADGA.
Below are collections of past kids for fun and reference. Enjoy!
All kids pictured have been sold or retained for our breeding program. We list goat kids for sale here, however, kids are typically reserved before they are born. Reservation information is posted here and/or visit our kidding schedule page for to see what we have planned.
Occasionally we have kids or adults for sale long enough that they get posted but more often than not, they sell out before we have time to put them on the website. A great way to stay informed on available goats is to follow us on Instagram.
2024 Kids - click right to load more
2023 Kids
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2022 Kids
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2020 Kids
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2018 Kids
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2019 Kids
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2017 Kids
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2016 and earlier Kids
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Please check our kidding schedule to see upcoming births or contact us directly!
To stay informed as babies are born and pregnancies are confirmed, (and to see cute pictures of course!) please like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.